Pocket Reduction
Pocket Reduction
Comprises Gingivectomy, osseous surgery or flap surgery. They are series of several surgeries aimed at gaining access to the roots of the teeth to remove bacteria and tartar (calculus). The deeper gum pockets are difficult to reach with the regular instruments. If left untreated the periodontal disease is progressive with massive bacterial colonization, causing bone loss, and can eventually lead to teeth falling out. The pocket reduction surgery is an attempt to gain access to the difficult to reach areas, remove the bacterial colonies, and attempt to alleviate the destructive cycle.

Reasons for Pocket reduction surgery – eliminate bacteria, smooth root surface, reduce inflammation and save teeth.
Reduce bacterial spread – Oral bacteria have been linked to serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Ten bacteria can travel via blood stream to other parts of the body and colonize. It is very important to decrease bacteria in the mouth to reduce the risk of secondary infection.
Halting bone loss – The chronic inflammation caused by the bacteria leads to bone loss. The teeth loose their rigid anchor and become mobile. These then may need extraction.
Facilitate home care – With the pocket reduction therapy the gums heal leaving healthy gum margins that are easier to clean with toothbrush and floss by the patient. Leaving the pockets untreated and deeper it becomes incredibly difficult to clean by the patient.
Enhancing the smile – Swollen gums are unattractive. In fact, smiles may be marred by unsightly brown gums, rotten teeth and ridge indentations. The pocket reduction therapy halts the progression and improves the aesthetic appearance.
Halitosis – improving the health of the gum by pocket reduction therapy stops and improves the halitosis or bad breath.
What does it involve – Before recommending the specialist with advise – x-ray examination, do a visual checkup to assess the prevailing condition of the teeth, gums and underlying bone.
After diagnosing and discussing with the patient local or general anesthesia is given depending on patient preference. Gums are gently pulled back, scaling and root plaining is done to clean the tartar. Bone is smoothened and antimicrobials applied if required. The gum is then sutured with tiny stitches that are left in place for 5-10 days. Though there will be some sensitivity felt immediately after there will be reduction in the pocket and an overall improvement