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Position CDA Statement On Smoking And Vaping

CDA Position Statement:


Considered a work-in-progress that will continue to be reviewed as more products continue to emerge.

CDA Recommendations:

·         Discussion with dentist regarding patient’s use of vaping or water pipes and consumption of nicotine-, tobacco or cannabis- based products.

·         Discussion by the dentist – current known and potential risks of exposure and consumption of nicotine-, tobacco or cannabis- based and vaping products.

·         Dentists recommend the patient regarding cessation to reduce harm caused by these substances.

·         There is emerging evidence for greater risk of disease when using combination of any of these products.



Smoking affects every organ of the body detrimentally. It is a risk factor for many systemic diseases, contributes to poor general and oral health, and may consequently lead to premature death. Devices such as waterpipe/hookah smoking do not reduce the associated risks. By-products of cigarette smoke damage blood vessels, which in turn causes inflammation.

It may predispose a person to:

·         Lung and oral cancer

·         Cardiovascular disease.

·         Higher rates of tooth decay,

·         Oral mucosal lesions,

·         Periodontal disease (i.e., receding gums, bone damage, tooth loss, jawbone loss)

·         Oral health problems. 



Nicotine is present in all tobacco products.

·         It is an extremely addictive drug

·         It stimulates the central nervous system and raises blood pressure, respiration and heart rate.

·         It is harmful for everyone, particularly youth and pregnant women.

·         It can be harmful to developing fetuses. 

·         It can harm the brain development of children and young adults <20 years of age.

·         Some vaping liquids have higher dose of nicotine than tobacco and can be dangerous.



Cannabis contains 500 compounds, 66 of which are cannabinoids—chemicals that interact with receptors in the brain. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), causes the psychoactive effects.

·         Leukoplakias

·         Periodontal complications

·         Xerostomia (dry mouth)

·         Increased risk of oral cancers

·         Increased appetite for cariogenic snack foods



According to current evidence vaping is a gateway to conventional cigarette smoking.

·         May increase the risk of heart damage and stroke in similar ways to cigarette smoking.

·         Vaping has also been linked to cases of acute lung disease, some of which have been fatal, were diagnosed in the United States and Canada

·         Vaping products containing nicotine were legalized in Canada with the passage of Bill S-5 in 2018, partly because black market readily supplied these devices prior to this time.

·         Canadian teenagers who vaped in the last month grew by 74%, from 8.4% to 14.6% according to a 2019 study.

·         Vaping-liquid flavourings are cytotoxins that cause damage to cells.


Smokeless Tobacco:

Products also known as spit tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco contain Nicotine and are known risk factors for periodontal diseases and a possible risk factor for oral cancer.