Ridge Preservation
Extraction and Bone grafting
Getting a tooth removed/extracted – your midtown periodontist advises bone grafting at the time of tooth removal.
According to the published research, majority of the bone (2/3rd) around the tooth is lost within 3 months after tooth removal (Schropp et al.). When a tooth is removed the body starts to resorb & get rid of the bone that is no longer needed to hold the tooth. This occurs rapidly for the first few months. First, it is resorbed horizontally making the ridge narrower than when a tooth was present. Following this the bone will resorb vertically. This will make future placement of implant difficult and will need extensive bone grafting later. As it is said, “prevention is better than cure”. To be able to place an implant preserving this bone is of utmost importance. For minimizing rapid shrinkage of jawbone socket preservation is advised at the time of extraction. Placing bone graft at the time of tooth extraction will prevent need for complex and extensive bone grafting procedures later.

- 1. your periodontist or dentist decides the tooth hopeless due to fracture, failing root canal or severe gum disease – it is atraumatically extracted.
- 2. Bone graft (Allograft or xenograft) is placed in the empty socket.
- 3. Membrane (resorbable or non-resorbable) is placed to protect.
- 4. Sutures are placed and allowed to heal for 2 weeks.
Although this graft supports and preserves the bone placing a dental implant in 4-12 months is advisable to allow best long-lasting support to the jawbone